Try Roket! Cold brewed coffee on tap!
151 m vom Hotel entfernt
Károly krt. 22.
Ein Guide für tolle Orte in der Nähe von Karoly Boutique Suites, Best Location by BQA
Love everything about this place. Fantastic hummus and tapas plates, kind staff, good music.
189 m vom Hotel entfernt
Dob u. 5.
One of the best pizza in budapest. The guys are super awesom and the pizza tastes fantastic. Totally recommend the place!
205 m vom Hotel entfernt
Múzeum krt. 7.
Don't be afraid to enter the Szimpla bar! It might not look great but it's unique and you can have so much fun here with the right company!
305 m vom Hotel entfernt
Kazinczy u. 14.
Great selection of international craft beer. Watch your head upstairs!
325 m vom Hotel entfernt
Wesselényi u. 13.
Az a hely, ahol ha 6an vannak bent, abbol 4 be is van checkinelve. Maximum hipsterity
340 m vom Hotel entfernt
Kazinczy u. 10.
A fairytale. Bring a snack, perch on a bench, and smile while children's voices serenade you.
351 m vom Hotel entfernt
Ferenczy István u.
This is the only coffee shop in Budapest where you can eat fresh and healthy raw vegan goji berry fudge and other healthy sweets.
400 m vom Hotel entfernt
Ferenciek tere 3.